Cardiovascular Disease

CVD Prevention

Heart and circulatory diseases cause a quarter of all deaths in the UK and are the largest cause of premature mortality in deprived areas. At least half of all heart attacks and strokes are attributed to sub-optimum blood pressure control. Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is also one of the most significant risk-factors for Covid-related severity and morbidity.

Smoking, weight, diet, physical activity and the treatment of high blood pressure (including medication adherence) are key drivers of risk. Sustained lifestyle changes can both lower blood pressure and slow (and potentially even reverse) the progression of early-stage coronary heart disease to a serious cardiac event, such as a heart attack.

However, most patients diagnosed with CVD in primary or secondary care (specifically high blood pressure or following a CT scan confirming early-stage coronary artery disease) receive only relatively brief information, advice and guidance, which is widely acknowledged to be insufficient to engender sustainable behaviour change.

Our CVD Prevention programme supports people to understand high blood pressure and CVD and reduce their risk of progression by making sustainable improvements to their diet, activity and weight. Its design combines CVD-specific guidance and evidence with relevant elements of the more mature evidence-base for Diabetes Prevention Programmes.

It is made up of 18 x 30 minute sessions over nine months and includes blood tests at the beginning and end of the programme to assess progress.

  • ÂŁ1800

* As with all our lifestyle medicine programmes the lengths and prices can be adjusted according to your requirements.
Premium Health Screen Blood Test
Bone Markers
Liver Function Tests
Cardiac/Muscle Enzymes
Core Health Screen Blood Test
Liver Function Tests
Bone Markers