
We specialise in helping people who have :

Type 2 Diabetes or


Can we help you?

Diabetes Remission Programme

Type 2 Diabetes affects nearly 5 million people in the UK. There is now good evidence that combined intensive lifestyle interventions – including diet, physical activity and sustained weight loss – can be an effective treatment for Type 2 Diabetes.
In 2017 a large Diabetes UK funded study, The Diabetes Remission Clinical Trial (DiRECT) found that a low calorie diet for just 8 weeks could induce remission in almost 9/10 patients who have had diabetes for less than 4 years. Those people who reverse their diabetes are able to stop all their medication and significantly improve their quality of life and life expectancy. Medications treat high blood sugar, but not the causes of diabetes, only lifestyle changes can do this.

We have worked with Discover Momenta to provide a Type 2 Diabetes Remission Programme which has been developed in partnership with the team behind the DiRECT Trial. We combine a low-calorie diet with a three-stage behavioural intervention.

Our three-phase approach (Food replacement, Food reintroduction and Sustainability) is in line with to the DiRECT model and also incorporates a bespoke world-class behavioural intervention. The Diabetes Remission Programme comprises 20 x 45 minute one to one sessions over a year and regular blood tests to assess progress.

If you are motivated to get on top of your diabetes and quite possibly reverse it for good, please book a free 20 minute consultation to discuss what we can offer. It will change your life.

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* As with all our lifestyle medicine programmes, the lengths and prices can be adjusted according to your requirements.

Diabetes Prevention Programme

Before people develop Type 2 diabetes they progress through a phase of “impaired glucose regulation” called pre-diabetes. This is basically an early warning sign that their lifestyles are putting them at higher risk of developing a chronic disease, with the potential for serious complications ranging from blindness to lower limb amputation. Whilst alarming, pre diabetes can also be a catalyst which encourages positive change.

Our Diabetes Prevention Programme supports people to understand pre-diabetes and reduce their risk of developing Type 2 diabetes by making sustainable improvements to their diet, activity and weight. Based on international research and psychological theories of behaviour change, it empowers participants with the knowledge, skills and support that they need to improve their health.

The Diabetes Prevention Programme is made up of 16 x 30 minute one to one sessions and includes blood tests at the beginning and end of the programme.

  • ÂŁ1600
As with all our lifestyle medicine programmes the lengths and prices can be adjusted according to your requirements.

* The lifestyle medicine programmes are currently under development and will be with you in early 2022. If you would like to be added to our waiting list or find out more please contact us.

Premium Health Screen Blood Test
Bone Markers
Liver Function Tests
Cardiac/Muscle Enzymes
Core Health Screen Blood Test
Liver Function Tests
Bone Markers